At Bit2Me, we’re excited because today we bring you a new token to your wallet, with which you’ll have 0 fees by participating in this promotion. $FPS is the native token of Web3WAR, a first-person shooter (FPS), multiplayer, and free-to-play game that prioritizes high-quality entertainment and gameplay, built on the Zilliqa blockchain, with full cross-play and cross-progression capabilities, rewarding players for their gameplay.

Thus, players can purchase a variety of in-game items with $FPS such as weapon blueprints and cosmetic skins, which exist as tradable NFTs on the Zilliqa network.

How does the promotion work?

By purchasing $FPS from your Wallet between April 30th and May 2nd, you’ll receive a €10 coupon for fees, which will be applied to you at the end of the promotion.

Specifically, those registered and verified users who meet the requirements will receive a 100% discount on the fees applied to each purchase they make of the Web3War cryptocurrency ($FPS) in the Bit2Me Wallet, up to a maximum of €10 and a minimum of €1 in fees, during the promotion period, which will be returned as cashback to their Bit2Me euro wallet.

If you want to learn more about how this promotion works, we explain everything in the legal terms.

New! We have improved the system for participating in promotions: now in a simpler way from your Bit2Me App, you can enter the code of each promotion and check from the “Your Promotions” screen all those in which you have registered.

From this screen, you can also check the conditions of each promotion.

Additionally, you can continue to sign up as you have done so far through this link.

What to do to participate?

  1. Have a registered and verified account on Bit2Me and be logged into the Bit2Me App
  2. In the menu, go to “Your promotions”
  3. Click on “Register for the promotion”
  4. Enter the code FPSUG and click on “Continue”
  5. You will see the information of the promotion and it will appear in the list of “Your promotions”
  6. Your registration has been completed.
  7. Make any purchase of $FPS in Bit2Me Wallet between April 30th and May 2nd at 23:59 UTC+2 and we will refund the fees at the end of the promotion.

What is the $FPS token?

The $FPS token is a significant enhancement for the gaming experience in Web3WAR, serving as the centerpiece of the Web3WAR economy.

Among the specific capabilities of the $FPS token, we can mention:

1. In-Game Purchases: Players use $FPS to acquire items within the game through the FUS1ON Gaming Hub. The FUS1ON Gaming Hub is Web3WAR’s official marketplace where players can securely buy and sell all in-game items using blockchain technology at all times.

2. Access to Ranked Matches: The token unlocks access to exclusive ranked matches (the Season Pass) where players can earn tokens using the Skill2Earn system.

3. Trading on Exchanges: $FPS tokens will be available not only within the game but also for trading on various exchanges, allowing players to monetize their gaming skills. Thus, your gameplay hours rewarded in $FPS can be transformed into money that you can use for anything you desire. And the best part: without resorting to unreliable external markets, as often happens on many traditional gaming platforms.

The $FPS token is built on the Zilliqa blockchain and has a total supply of 150 million tokens, with slightly over 17 million tokens issued in-game so far.